Every human being is born with two vocal registers; we all have a lower register and an upper register.
The lower register is often referred to (imprecisely) as the chest voice. It's the voice most of us speak with (unless you talk like Julia Child or Michael Jackson).
The lower register is where we sing lower pitches.
We are using the chest voice or lower register when we loudly call out to our neighbor across the street. If you place your hand on your chest and call HEY! you will feel vibrations in the chest cavity.
That is why the lower register historically has been known as the chest voice. In later chapters, we will discover that these vibrations do not actually originate in the chest; they are known as sympathetic resonance.
We also have an upper register, which has traditionally been called the head voice or falsetto.
This is the voice we use to sing higher pitches.
The term head voice evolved because when people sing higher pitches they experience vibrations in the head. The head voice does not originate in the head; these vibrations are also the result of sympathetic resonance.
The voice actually originates in the larynx, or Adam's apple- the bump in your throat. The larynx contains the vocal folds, which open and close rapidly, first preventing airflow, and then releasing air with each vibrational cycle.
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