Learn to Sing and Improve Your Vocal Range

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2020
John always loved to sing. When he was a little boy, he’d entertain at church, picnics, parties and more. Like most boys he had a “high voice” that “almost sounded like a girl’s voice.” He could hit high notes that singers like Mariah Carey hit!

As John became a teenager, hormones kicked in and he went through puberty. His body changed and his voice changed. Suddenly, his “angelic” voice sounded much deeper than before, and his range became, well, “different.” It wasn’t as easy to hit certain high notes anymore. That said, he still loved to sing, and adjusted accordingly.

If you are male, you might have noticed your vocal range changed when you hit puberty. Perhaps you can’t hit the same notes you could hit a few years prior? Maybe deeper notes come easier than ever before?

Vocal Range

Male voices have only just completed their drastic physical and hormonal changes by the age of 20. By the time a male hits the age of 30, the voice is “fully mature” biologically-speaking.

But can we develop a greater vocal range at any age?

The answer is YES, with the right vocal training.

Do yourself a favor and look in the mirror when you sing. If you notice that you lift your chin, tighten your jaw, and/or strain to hit certain high or low notes, then it’s likely you are straining to hit notes.  You are using the wrong muscles (called “extrinsic” muscles).  You need to train the correct muscles (the “intrinsic” muscles) with the right vocal technique.

Temporary changes may be due to overuse or illness. It’ll take time to “heal” and get back to “normal.” Or maybe your voice is maturing and you can no longer do what once came naturally.

If you want to extend your range, or get back the range you once had, consider learning to sing from home with our amazing  YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription course.

If you would like to learn more about your voice AND learn to sing from home- or how to be a successful voice teacher- for less than you probably spend on lattes every month, check out our amazing YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription courses for singers and voice teachers.

You can learn to sing with a self-study method- IF it's the right method.  The ONLY method that can take you from beginner to professional is the  YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription course with over 600 recorded exercises AND an extensive science-based manual that teaches you all about the singing voice.

This is the best method available and the ONLY method that takes you all the way from beginner to professional singer- for far less than the cost of in-person voice lessons!

If you are a singer, check out the  YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription course.

If you are a voice teacher who wants to up your game, check out the YOU can be a Successful Voice Teacher online subscription course

With over 600 recorded exercises, including Riffs and Runs- Style, you don't need to be a great pianist or vocal stylist to be a great teacher!


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