Reasons to Sign Your Child Up for Online Singing Lessons

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

Jack is great at sports. Renee excels on the debate team. What about their sibling, Morgan? What is she good at? The family isn’t sure, just yet… and neither is Morgan.

She’s kind of shy. Most of the attention goes to her siblings and she sometimes feels lost in the shuffle…

But what about an online singing course? Her parents sign her up and though she’s not sure she wants to do them, she gives it a go.

Morgan discovers, over time, that her voice is actually really good. She gets to sing some of her favorite songs. Her confidence and self-esteem grow. She joins the church choir and soon she’s doing solos on Sundays!

Now she has found her “thing”– singing. And this is true for so many kids just like Morgan– they discover they’re good singers and they become known and respected for that!

What are some reasons to sign your child up for online singing lessons?

Singing Lessons for Children

A Resource to Help Express Him or Herself

Well, lessons help improve a child’s ability to express themselves through song. They get out of their shells. They emote. They practice. They get better… and pretty soon, a formerly shy, confused kid has some confidence… some swagger!

Isn’t it nice to know that singing lessons can improve a youngster’s self-esteem?

You bet! 

Improvement Academically

Singing lessons help kids academically.

Learning music involves all sorts of stuff, such that math, reading, language, etc. are all part of the process!

Singing lessons are good for the brain. They also enhance a kid’s social development, which can prove useful, especially later in life when they have the confidence to speak in public and make friends when others are too shy.

Memory Skills

How about improving a kid’s memory? They have to practice. They have to repeat. They learn lyrics. Music helps train the brain to remember things– in a fun and engaging way. Memorization skills improve, as well as a child’s focus and concentration. 

Communication Skills

Working with a coach involves two-way communication. Kids work on their articulation, diction, intonation, and tone in order to improve their singing– and this helps not just in singing, but in their everyday life, as well.

Singers are communicators.

Want your kid to be a great communicator? Get them singing lessons. 


Finally, it makes sense to sign your child up for singing lessons so they can learn about feelings and emotions… and how to connect songs with those feelings and emotions.

Being a performer, they’ll learn about reading an audience, checking other people’s body language and reactions, and basically, how others are feeling– after all, music tends to make people feel things, right?

Singers have the unique ability to trigger emotional responses with the songs they sing– a good ballad can get everyone in a room crying, for example.

Do you have a kid in your life who could benefit from singing lessons?

Now they can learn to sing from home with our amazing YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription courses.

If you would like to learn more about your voice AND learn to sing from home- or how to be a successful voice teacher- for less than you probably spend on lattes every month, check out our amazing YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription courses for singers and voice teachers.

You can learn to sing with a self-study method- IF it's the right method.  The ONLY method that can take you from beginner to professional is the  YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription course with over 600 recorded exercises AND an extensive science-based manual that teaches you all about the singing voice.

This is the best method available and the ONLY method that takes you all the way from beginner to professional singer- for far less than the cost of in-person voice lessons!

If you are a singer, check out the  YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription course.

If you are a voice teacher who wants to up your game, check out the YOU can be a Successful Voice Teacher online subscription course

With over 600 recorded exercises, including Riffs and Runs- Style, you don't need to be a great pianist or vocal stylist to be a great teacher!


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