If you’re a singer and you go to a sporting event, you’ll notice so many people are shouting, screaming, hooting and hollering… they’re so loud and boisterous.
As a singer, you probably recognize that your voice needs to be treated with care, and you shouldn’t join in like all the others. Oh sure, you can cheer a team on, but without straining your voice like so many other people do!
You need to think of your voice like an athlete thinks of his or her body. Your voice matters to what you do and therefore it needs training and care and rest. Therefore, you don’t want to overuse it. You need to get rest/good sleep. And it’s important to eat a nutritious, healthy diet.
Some singers try to sound like other singers but here’s some good advice: just be you when singing. When people attempt to sound like someone else, they’re usually forcing their voice to sing outside its comfort zone, and, thus, straining it. This could lead to vocal injury. Avoid it. Instead train your voice with the right method- the YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription course.
When you’re getting ready for an audition or show, you need to build up your body and voice… so pace yourself and make sure you do exercises.
This includes vocal training with a coach or online subscription product like YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription course. as well as gym workouts where you get your body moving and work on your breathing and stamina and core.
Finally, drink more water than you do now because you’re probably not drinking enough– so many people are dehydrated. If you have dry chapped lips or frequent headaches, you’re probably dehydrated.
Drinking enough water not only helps your overall health but also acts like a lubricant for your voice.
If you would like to learn more about your voice AND learn to sing from home for less than you probably spend for lattes every month, check out our amazing YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription courses for singers and teachers.
You can learn to sing with a self-study method- IF it's the right method. The ONLY method that can take you from beginner to professional is the YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription course with over 600 recorded exercises.
This is the best method available and the ONLY method that takes you all the way from beginner to professional singer- for far less than the cost of in-person voice lessons!
If you are a singer, check out the YOU can Sing Like a Star online subscription course.
If you are a voice teacher who wants to up your game, check out the YOU can be a Successful Voice Teacher online subscription course
With over 600 recorded exercises, including Riffs and Runs- Style, you don't need to be a great pianist or vocal stylist to be a great teacher!